Energetic shamanic house cleaning

For many thousands of years, burning herbs like sage has also been used to clean places and homes. It is part of the tradition of people to carry out large cleaning campaigns at regular intervals to ensure internal and external order. 

Buildings and places store old knowledge and experiences or energies in the morphogenetic field. This can disturb people and animals in their living and working areas, e.g. due to poor sleep, restlessness, behavior/mood changes, malaise etc. in certain rooms or in certain places/areas.  

Divorce or death energies, "old, negative thinking" and much more can stress rooms or places and have a lasting impact on the current life/work situation or even living things. 

Stories (deaths, crimes, disputes, separations, violence, war, etc.) are usually not satisfactorily resolved and thus stick to old buildings. 

Special incense and shamanic techniques help me to find these energies, to bring them into peace and harmony so that they can be replaced in the interests of those affected and in the consent of the ancestors, their locations and their assignments. 

Get rid of these contaminated sites - for the benefit of your living or working situation and future generations.