Bach flower

Bach flower therapy is a form of therapy that works with 38 different flower essences, called Bach flowers. It goes back to the English doctor and researcher Edward Bach, who developed it in the 1930s. It was continued in the 1970s by Hamburg naturopath Mechthild Scheffer.

Bach flowers can always be used when the body, mind and soul must be reconciled.

Are you afraid, are you irritable, do your thoughts circulate, do you have certain issues that concern you, or are you about to take an exam and are you afraid of the scenarios? Then it is worth using Bach flowers to improve your general condition or to positively support an upcoming event.

Here you can get your own mix of Bach flowers, depending on your theme.

Does your animal companion show any particular behavioural problems, is he very anxious or restless? Then it is worth using Bach flowers to improve general health or to positively support an upcoming event. 

I would be happy to put together a personal Bach flower mix for your animal.